An International meeting place for all industry professionals.
April 22-24, 2026 – Brabanthallen te ’s-Hertogenbosch
The Board of the Mushroomdays Foundation is pleased to inform you that the date of the next edition of the Mushroomdays has been set for April 22-24, 2026. The event will again take place in the Brabanthallen in 's-Hertogenbosch. This meets the preference of the exhibitors for a frequency of “every 3 years”. Also, for the same reason, the Mushroom Days Foundation has placed an option with the Brabanthallen for an edition on June 13-15, 2029.
After a very successful edition in 2023, there is no reason for the Mushroom Days Committee to opt for a substantially different format for the event, but (as always) to look for further optimization on a detailed level.
The Mushroom Days Committee plans to send out the first mailing for participation and registration in the 2nd quarter of 2025. We are very much looking forward to welcoming you all again in order to shape together this great global trade fair. We will keep you informed via our website .
Kind regards,
Piet Lempens
Chairman Mushroomdays Foundation.
The international exhibition The Mushroom Days took place from 10 until 12 May 2023 in Brabanthallen ‘s-Hertogenbosch.
The Mushroom Days is the largest and most spectacular international exhibition for the edible mushroom industry worldwide.
The board was pleased to welcome more than 100 exhibitors and 4.555 visitors from 83 countries during the successful edition in 2023.
It is not yet known when the next edition of the Mushroom Days will take place. As soon as the date is known, we will mention it on this website.
Beste regards,
Piet Lempens
Chairman Mushroom Days Foundation
The mushroom sector: we are all part of it. Everyone who is directly or indirectly involved in giving consumers daily choices from a wide range of delicious mushrooms is a partner in our industry. For decades, the sector has experienced tumultuous developments and this is unlikely to change in the coming years. Many people who are active in the mushroom sector do their utmost to give their company or organization a good future.
However, there are also those who develop initiatives that transcend the interests of their immediate environment. The performance of which results in vital momentum for the entire sector. As true ambassadors, they contribute to the positive image of our mushroom sector, the landscape of which would probably look very different without their efforts.
These are the people that Stichting Champignondagen wants to reward for their enormous services to the sector by presenting the ‘Ambassador of the Mushroom Industry Award’. This award is intended for those who, as a true ambassador, contribute to a positive image of the mushroom sector. During the Mushroom Days 2023, this prestigious prize was awarded to four people.
Year | Winner |
2013 | Wout van Lieshout Mushroom Grower , Paddenstoelenkweker |
Peter Zandboer Chef , Initiatiefnemer van de “ Zilveren Champignon” |
Roel Seubring Teacher/Consultant , Opleider/voorlichter |
2016 | Roel Dreve Publisher , Uitgever |
Henk van den Top Entrepreneur Machinery , Technisch Ondernemer |
2019 | Magda Verfaillie Entrepreneur Starting Materials , Ondernemer Veredelaar |
Johan Baars Researcher , Onderzoeker |
Anton Sonnenberg Researcher , Onderzoeker |
Ko Hooijmans Grower/Industry representative , Kweker Voorzitter Vakgroep Paddenstoelen L.T.O. |
Jan Klerken Marketer /Entrepreneur Preserve , Marketeer Verwerker |
2023 | Greg Seymour Industry representative; Marketer / Belangenbehartiger; Marketeer |
Bert Rademaekers Mushroom Grower; Entrepreneur Growing Media / Paddenstoelenkweker; Ondernemer Substraten |
Peter Christiaens Entrepreneur Technical Equipment / Technisch Ondernemer |
Karel Sterckx Entrepreneur Growing Media / Ondernemer Substraten |
Frank Duller en Natascha Kiefmeijer
Champignon Exhibitions BV
Stichting Champignondagen
PO Box 403
5201 AK 's-Hertogenbosch
The Netherlands
© Champignon Exhibitions BV 2025
Developed with passion by Wijsneus Media